Monday, August 29, 2011

Big Red Yesterday

Big Red Today wrote on Sunday, which would make yesterday today, that Penn State should finish 9th in the Big Ten.

He backs this premise up with a thorough evaluation of the situation:
9. Penn State (7-6) [last years record, not a prediction for 2011]

Up next: Indiana State, 11 a.m., BTN

Difficult to get excited about a team led by a QB (Rob Bolden) who spent six months trying to transfer. He’s not the only worry. The defense makes few big plays and the O-line is a concern.

The defense makes few big plays?  Per season or per game?  Granted we don't make many of the Pete Giftopoulos type game changing plays every game, but I think our defense holds its own most seasons.

Not a lot of respect from a team just joining the league.

I thought I was pretty easy on the Huskers in my preseason report.  Maybe we will have a Rich Gardner type game-changing defensive play to answer this slap in the face.

But I guess I'm not one to talk since Dick has accused me of spewing Big Ten venom.

And I will grant him the other observations.  Quarterback position could be a problem, and our offensive line has been rebuilding since 2002.

BRT has the BEST Husker coverage.  With a name like Barfknecht, it has to be good!

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