After much thought--well, as much thought as I ever put into anything I blog about, which ain't much I'll grant you, but probably more than than other people put into it, but that's not saying much either and where the hell was I going with this?
Oh yes! I have decided to throw my
Here are the qualifications:
Bylaws, "Qualifications for Membership on the Board of Trustees"I think I'm a natural person. I don't have any artificial body parts yet. I'm probably as close as one can get to being full age without being OLD. I'm middle aged and this is my crisis. Some people buy a red corvette. I try to get nominated for a thankless job. Maybe I am unnatural?
(1) Members of the Board of Trustees shall be natural persons of full age who need
not be residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(2) A person who is employed in any capacity by the University shall not be eligible
to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees. This qualification for membership
shall not apply to a person who is an ex officio member of the Board, nor to a person
who is a student employed part-time by the University.
(3) A person shall not be eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees for a
period of three (3) years from the July 1 coincident with or next following the date of
last employment in any capacity by the University. This qualification for
membership shall not apply to a person who is an ex officio member of the Board,
nor to a person who is a student employed part-time by the University.
(4) Only graduates of The Pennsylvania State University who shall have received an
associate degree, a bachelor's degree, or an advanced degree from the University
shall be eligible to serve as a trustee elected by the Alumni. No member of the
faculty or the governing board of any other college or university in Pennsylvania
shall be eligible to serve as a trustee elected by the Alumni.
I have never been employed by the University in any capacity. I wanted to be the next coach but they wouldn't let me. I'll have to settle for this. I wonder if it pays well???
I have a medical degree from Hershey.
I am fully commited to seeing the leadership of our fine University become true leadership. I believe that the transparency that the Board of Trustees is demanding of the athletic department be applied to every aspect of the University--including and perhaps starting with--the Board of Trustees. Of course, Item #10 on the list of expectations of Board Members is to "maintain confidentiality without exception." Change needs to be initiated from the top. Leaders lead by example. I further believe that the alumni representatives on the board should do just that . . . represent the alumni--and not their own personal interests or agendas.
And while some of us may not agree with how Paterno handled this particular situation with Sandusky, there are still few who can find fault with his record of service to the University and the countless thousands of young men that he made better by virtue of his presence. With sweeping changes in the administration and atheltic department, it will be a task of the BOT to seek to maintain the integrity of the football program without feeling like it needs to de-emphasize it. The standards that Joe Paterno set and lived up to on and off the field must be maintained in his absence. Despite this dark shadow brought on by the Sandusky Scandal, the bright light of Success with Honor must shine on.
As a physician, I understand the importance of academics, and in no way am I claiming that my representation will be limited to management of athletic decisions. We need to be at the level where the University President does not feel a need to emphasize academics. That should speak for itself, and the decisions of the BOT must represent that goal.
As a former member of a marching band (not the Blue Band unfortunately, since that would have required actual talent) I also understand the importance of other pursuits, including and not limited to the Blue Band, music, art, and theatre.
So if you are looking for someone to nominate, someone who shares your vision of Penn State as a University committed to academics, arts and athletics then please consider adding my nomination to your list:
TODD A. SPONSLER Class of 1990 (Hershey--MED)
And I thank you for your support.
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PS(u): I AM NOT A CROOK either! |
Nomination forms were emailed but can be accessed at the bottom of this page.
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